Councillor Update November 2024
Councillor Update October 2024
Councillor update September 2024
Another busy month, meeting locals, getting stuff done, chasing up more improvements for next month. Highlighting areas where more funding can be found for public services and investments.
Cllr Update Aug 2024
It’s been an out and about kinda month! With my newsletter going out too, lots of you have got in touch for help, so more improvements to come. I’m also really enjoying working with various community groups on local projects – so much inspiration, energy and potential – thank you all!
Cllr Kirsten Robb Annual Report August 2024
This annual report is organised around the issues the public asked me to work on: Working Hard for You, Making our Streets Safer and Cleaner, Improving Local Lives and Facilities, Delivering for Our Community. Working hard for you: It’s now over two years since many of you placed your trust in me to be your councillor, South Lanarkshire’s first Green councillor. Thank you so much for doing so and for contacting me for help since then. I’m still loving the job and have worked hard to take on your issues, get answers to your questions and find solutions. Read on for some highlights of the year. I deal with an…
Councillor Update May 2024
East Kilbride East action I’m kept motivated by getting progress for you and our neighbourhood. Because you keep contacting me, the progress keeps coming! As ever, please contact me on Kirsten.robb@southlanarkshire.gov.uk to meet or chat when and where it suits you. Follow me on Facebook and X for regular updates. Maintenance: There’s a wodge of maintenance stuff you reported to me getting done now the weather is better. New road linings on Morrishall Rd at Galloway Rd now done, as highlighted for safety in our community street survey. Footpaths between house numbers 52 to 64 and 68 to 80 Mauchline are included this year’s footway resurfacing programme, including replacement of…
Councillor update April 2024
I love this time of year when the sun shines more, colour starts bursting from our greenspaces and we can all get out and about more. I’ve had a wee break over the Easter holidays, all refreshed for more action. This month I’ve been visiting lots of community groups and continuing getting action on your concerns. As ever, please contact me on Kirsten.robb@southlanarkshire.gov.uk to meet or chat when and where it suits you. Follow me on Facebook and Councillor Kirsten Robb (@krobbGreen) / X (twitter.com) for regular updates. East Kilbride East action Litter action: Ivanhoe and Calderglen High: I joined residents and EK Litter Pickers for a tidy up of…
Councillor update Feb-Mar 2024
This month I’ve been catching up with case work, taking part in National Spring Clean month, pushing forward issues at a South Lanarkshire level, finding things out for you and getting action on improvements that can be done in the better weather. As ever, please contact me on Kirsten.robb@southlanarkshire.gov.uk to meet or chat when and where it suits you. Follow me on Facebook and X for regular updates. East Kilbride East action As part of National Spring Month, the community and I have been busy helping keep our patch clean. I joined Hunter primary school pupils to tidy up Glen Esk Park – they were superstars. A group of us…
Councillor Update Nov-Dec 2023
Wishing you and yours an enjoyable and restful period. I know the days can be dark right now, physically and metaphorically, with all the challenges in the world. But as I said to our wonderful young people at the Youth Sustainability Forum, pictured here, let’s stay hopeful and take comfort from the small and bigger positive action happening all around us if we look. Doing something directly ourselves to sort problems will help too and make you feel better. If I can help you with this, please contact me on Kirsten.robb@southlanarkshire.gov.uk to meet or chat when and where it suits you. Follow me on Facebook and Councillor Kirsten Robb (@krobbGreen)…
There will be more 20 mph zones coming to Scotland in the near future. The plan is that all 30 mph speed limits will be dropped to 20 mph unless a valid reason is provided as to why they should remain at a speed limit of 30 mph. A report to the Council’s Road Safety Forum on 20 mph Speed limits will be discussed on the 21st November 2023. There has been a backlash in some quarters about the whole idea of 20mph speed limits, because they will make journey times very marginally longer. So why is it that the UK and Scottish Governments are pushing ahead with these schemes?…