Join us

Do you ever feel like you want to be more involved? Do you want to be heard and be part of a team where everyone has a voice, where we make space for under-represented and marginalised groups? Where we work towards a common goal? Do you want to be part of the movement working together for a Fairer, Greener Scotland?

Why should I join?

Our members are the most vital element of South Lanarkshire Greens.

It is our members who

  • Campaign to win elections
  • Help our elected representatives build their annual strategy.
  • Choose the direction of the branch and wider party.
  • Select candidates to run in elections

As a member, you will also be able to join in with the Branch and Party wide meetings and social events, both online and in person.

How do I join?

To join, sign up as a member of the Scottish Green Party – our national body. Once you’re a member of the national party, someone from the South Lanarkshire branch committee will be in touch to welcome you and let you know how you can get involved. Of course, if you aren’t able to get active with campaigns, election activities or attend branch meetings, we’d still love to have you as a member! Membership numbers add real weight to our Green movement.

Supporting South Lanarkshire Greens

As a branch of the Scottish Green Party, South Lanarkshire Greens receive a small proportion of the membership fees paid by South Lanarkshire members. Some members are also in a position to support the branch directly with a small monthly standing order alongside the membership fee, or a one off donation. If you are able to contribute to the work of the branch in this way, please donate or set up regular giving here:

We recognise that not everyone is able or interested in joining a political party, so if you don’t want to join the party but would still like to keep up to date with our news and activities, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We often hold events which non-members are welcome to attend, and there are lots of other ways of supporting our campaigns without joining.