Helping you

Scottish Greens put People and Planet ahead of any other priorities. We can help put you in touch with council departments or elected representatives who might be able to help.

These are the first places to try to get a problem sorted

Report it!

If you report problems to the Council, 9 times out of 10 they will get sorted. Keep reporting issues to the Council on or call 0303 123 1015

From pot holes to fly tipping, from housing to park maintenance or anti-social behaviour, you can find a big list of forms to report issues here.

If you don’t have any luck or things are taking too long to get sorted, please contact your local ocuncillor or us for help.

Community Councils

You may have a local community council to whom you can go for help about issues in your area. Find out if there is a Community Council in your area. ( If there isn’t, you could think about getting one going)

Help with housing

For information and advice on various housing issues check out our Help with Housing page

Here are a few of the local organisations that aim to make life better for folk

Leap project

The Leap project’s aims are to enhance the lives of older people in our community LEAP’s befriending service offer one-to-one befriending and friendship groups through its Hands On Project.

This service currently operates in Cambuslang, Rutherglen, Blantyre, Bothwell, Uddingston, Hamilton and East Kilbride. People using their befriending services also often use their handyperson services.

Warm welcome Hubs

These offer  support activities and facilities in our local community Search for your nearest hub and drop in for a cuppa at

Health walks

Get Walking Lanarkshire offers a programme of free health walks across North and South Lanarkshire, making good use of the lovely parks and green spaces the area has on offer. Its aim is to encourage more people to walk more often and improve their health and wellbeing by being active in the outdoors.

Health Walks are a great way to meet new people whilst walking at your own pace. It’s exercise with the added bonus of friendly company, a good chat and fresh air! You can contact them on 07903 358424 or

Still need help?

If you still need help, we can help put you in touch with council departments or elected representatives who might be able to help.

Remember to tell us

  • Your Name
  • Your Location
  • Precise details of the issue you have, including any other organisations or politicians you have previously contacted.

We will do what we can to work with you to find solutions and take action to make lives and communities better.

The posts below will tell you more about what our councillor, activists and campaigners are doing to help people in South Lanarkshire.