Kirsten Robb pointing at a "slamdunk the junk" poster
Autumn 2021,  Local,  Newsletter

EK Litter Pickers

The EK Community Litter Pickers movement started in March 2021 with a few events and an online group (now at 1600 members –

Individuals and families started cleaning up their area, with larger events happening as COVID restrictions reduced with 584 picks having taken place since being established. The group’s aims are to:

  1. Clean up our town and keep it clean;
  2. Raise awareness about litter and change attitudes and;
  3. Tackle where the litter is coming from to reduce it overall. 

The group now have local community champions who dish out litter bags and help organise events and school liaison folk who encourage schools to do their bit too. The group’s new website has been set up to help to give more guidance and keep track of progress. Kirsten Robb is your local litter champion for Calderwood and St. Leonards. The group has collected up 2316 bags of rubbish to date.