Councillor update Feb-Mar 2024

This month I’ve been catching up with case work, taking part in National Spring Clean month, pushing forward issues at a South Lanarkshire level, finding things out for you and getting action on improvements that can be done in the better weather. As ever, please contact me on Kirsten.robb@southlanarkshire.gov.uk to meet or chat when and where it suits you. Follow me on Facebook and X for regular updates.
East Kilbride East action
As part of National Spring Month, the community and I have been busy helping keep our patch clean. I joined Hunter primary school pupils to tidy up Glen Esk Park – they were superstars. A group of us also cleaned up Lammermoor park, hauling out 11 bags and various other bits of fly tipping. To stop litter flying out of household bins and into local parks, please remember to store it back in your garden with the lid secured down. Join EK Community Litter Pickers to get support or check out more info and groups picks where you are at here.
Pathworks: Residents reported to me a rutted path at Glen Shee and bumpy path along St Leonards Roads due to tree roots. Both paths will be made safer over the next month or so. Thanks again for reporting these to me to get them sorted.
Calderwood Hall: Existing hall users have asked me to try and find out more information what is happening beyond 1st April, when South Lanarkshire Leisure (SLLC) planned to withdraw from the hall. SLLC will now continue to operate this until a handover date with a group able to take it on. Any groups interested in taking it on will submit a bid to the Renewable Energy Fund (small grants) to fund its running whilst preparing a bigger application for 3-year funding. This will allow a transition period to a full Community Asset Transfer (CAT) as a new community managed and fully self-sustaining operating model. So for existing groups using Calderwood Hall, as far as I know your bookings and quoted let pricing will continue until new arrangements are in place. I know this is an unsettling, uncertain time for groups and I am trying to get more information as there is some confusion / different information out there on this.
Parklife: Several residents have contacted me about Benbecula Park to improve access to and between the park equipment so as many people as possible can play with their children. The existing overgrown red ash pathways approaching the play area will now be re-exposed, refreshed & reconsolidated end March / April. Equipment has been inspected and swing chains cut to correct length. All play sites will be cleaned and power washed and a painting programme started to refresh apparatus.
Beyond these improvements, a consultation will start next year for EK & District to get an allocation from the Scottish Government play park improvement programme. This could be for renewing or developing play equipment or disability compliance. Get your ideas in to me now if you like and I can pass them on and watch this space / join Space to Play South Lanarkshire to find out when the consultation opens up next year.
Visits: I met with Calderglen High about litter, chatted to local group EK Integration Network who support refugees and asylum seekers, attended St Leonards Community Council and EK Arts Council, I tried out the new cycle lanes with residents and local charities Healthy and Active and Biketown and caught up with local partnership Connected Calderwood.
South Lanarkshire wide: As part of the climate committee I’ve been continually pushing for the council to set a path to net zero by 2045 so we can all benefit from the transition. We must do our bit and get some concrete plans in place to fulfil this commitment. I’m also pushing for consistent action on grass cutting that meets the full range of objectives – nice and tidy where appropriate, but also biodiverse and beautiful on other sites. Whilst the council agreed to action in my Nature Emergency motion last month, the administration then agreed to continue as normal on grass cutting and herbicide use, despite having a commitment to reduce use of damaging chemicals. I again raised the importance of being an active council at the Employee Issues Forum and am pleased to hear about the council’s forthcoming participation in the Step Count Challenge (you can do this as an individual or through your work too) and their plans to bring forward an employee travel plan. I also attended the Performance and Review committee and the Cycling Partnership. At the full council I backed a motion on a ceasefire in Gaza and was pleased at the inclusion of my amendment to investigate the reuse of local mobility aids and medical stock to support more people in South Lanarkshire and conflict zones.
Coming up this month, come along to any of these events or initiatives: In 2024 outdoor volunteering to improve our community continues. Calderglen Volunteers will continue on the second Sunday of every month, clearing away invasive species, opening up paths and creating space for nature. Contact myself or incrediblywildeastkilbride@gmail.com if you are interested in coming along for a taster. We can all benefit from being outdoors. See more ideas and inspiration from Get Outdoors Lanarkshire https://www.getoutdoorslanarkshire.com/.