East Kilbride East,  Kirsten Robb,  Local

Councillor Update, December 2022

After my energy efficiency motion was approved at full council in early December, I have continued to support constituents with their issues including lots of issues around housing emergencies and burst pipes with the cold snap before Christmas. Just contact me if I can help you with anything.

In December I met with EK Home Carers to discuss their anger that the additional responsibilities they have taken on over the years, especially since Covid, have not been recognised as meriting an increase in the grade for the job. I support their protest and you can find out more about it here. The union will now make an appeal to the Job Evaluation Appeals panel and do the detailed work needed to make the case for an increase in grade.

Morrishall Road safety: The council has now responded to our Morrishall Road community audit. Here is what they have agreed to do because of our report:
– Review signage around the roundabout crossing point to see if any improvements could be made.
– Trim back overgrown hedges/vegetation as required at key times of the growing season to maintain safety. Report it here when you think it needs done.
– Trim trees around lamps near Glen Prosen to allow the spread of light from street lanterns onto the footway.
– Replace / raise bins so as not to be a trip hazard.
– Fix raised kerbs on Morrishall Road within vicinity of its junction with Cornfoot Crescent and a damaged section of pedestrian guardrail (prior to the end of the financial year).
– Renew road markings around Tannahill / Galloway Road junctions with Morrishall Rd (early in the new financial year).
– Repair broken kerbs opposite Stobo (before end of financial year).
– Cut back invasive creeping thistle opposite Wingate / Stobo.
– Put in new drop kerbs at Galloway road / Morrishall junction paths, allowing improved accessibility to Glen Esk Park (next financial year).

What’s ongoing? I am in ongoing discussions with the Waste officers about the bin presentation point near Gibbon Crescent.

How can you help? Keep reporting any speeding or dangerous / obstructive parking on Police 101 number, report online here . The more people who report, the more attention police and the council will give this area.
Support Living Streets campaign to keep the forthcoming pavement parking legislation strong.

What can we do to push for further action? We can push for Morrishall Road to be included in the list of roads (currently being compiled) whose speed will be reduced to a mandatory 20mph by 2025. Reducing this road to 20mph will improve safety, reduce noise levels and make a more pleasant environment. Please let me know if you’d like to help with this action for Morrishall Road.

Improving facilities: I had a useful meeting with Long Calderwood Parent Council to move the pitch improvement project forward. Noticing that the entrances to Calderglen Park on this leaflet, needed some TLC, I met with Calderglen volunteers and the council ranger service and prepared a report. As a result, the Grounds Department will start improving these entrances, and I hope to work with others to do more on this in the coming year. My family and I also took part in a litter pick in Calderglen Park over the holidays – a nice way to get out in the fresh air and make our lovely park a wee bit tidier.

Visits and meetings: I went along to the excellent Calderglen Befrienders Christmas lunch, matching up young people with people in the community who could do with a bit of company and help. I also met with Kris from the Royal Highland Education Trust to find out more about what they do, including a trip (transport funded) for P6 pupils to visit the Museum of Rural Life on March 7th, contact clyde@rhet.org.uk to book your class, spaces are limited on a first come basis. I also attended a briefing on flooding and the Stewartfield Way road project.

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates. I don’t have regular surgeries to leave more time for community action on the ground but if you ever need to get me, I can meet when it is convenient for you – face to face, walking meeting, coffee shop or in a community hall, telephone or online. Contact me or for more information visit the South Lanarkshire Council Councillor’s webpage.