South Lanarkshire Council must declare a nature emergency
On Wednesday (31st Jan, 2024), Cllr Kirsten Robb, will present a motion to the full council calling for South Lanarkshire to declare a Nature Emergency. If it passes, South Lanarkshire Council will declare a Nature Emergency recognising the current state of nature, its value to society and the crucial role its recovery and restoration will play in ameliorating climate breakdown. You can read the full text of the motion here. The motion acknowledges the progress so far, particularly the £2 million worth of environmental volunteering, contributing to nature restoration across South Lanarkshire and the public desire to see more areas for pollinators. Finally, the motion requests that council ensures all…
There will be more 20 mph zones coming to Scotland in the near future. The plan is that all 30 mph speed limits will be dropped to 20 mph unless a valid reason is provided as to why they should remain at a speed limit of 30 mph. A report to the Council’s Road Safety Forum on 20 mph Speed limits will be discussed on the 21st November 2023. There has been a backlash in some quarters about the whole idea of 20mph speed limits, because they will make journey times very marginally longer. So why is it that the UK and Scottish Governments are pushing ahead with these schemes?…
It’s Our Place, so let’s make Our Plan
Over the next year, our communities have an amazing opportunity to improve our area for the future by preparing a Local Place Plan choosing projects that local people want to see happen. The council and other agencies must take Local Place Plans into account when they develop land and services. This is our chance to do as other communities across Scotland have done and develop community-led plans that help address poverty, improve local greenspaces, tackle transport issues and more. Our communities can say what’s important to us and improve our place too. You aren’t short of ideas. Over the years, in East Kilbride East, Green Councillor, Kirsten Robb, has been…
Councillor Update, February/March 2023
There has been a slight delay to my monthly update this month as it’s been very busy both on a ward level and South Lanarkshire wide – but all good stuff, so read on! Contact me if I can help you with anything – a reminder that I don’t have surgeries in order to leave more time for community work, but I’d love to meet when and where it suits you or can come and visit your group. You can also Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates. Local Business (East Kilbride East) First up, Long Calderwood Parent Council and I have been working on an application to…
South Lanarkshire Council to Vote on Space to Play
Scottish Green councillor, Kirsten Robb (East Kilbride East), is calling for more action on play when she brings the Space to Play campaign to a full meeting of South Lanarkshire Council this Wednesday 8th March. The campaign arose when community surveys in Kirsten’s ward highlighted the community’s wish for more spaces for young people to play. Since then Kirsten and the campaign have worked together to re-open multi-use games areas adjacent to schools outwith school hours, improve play parks and kickabout areas, secure funding for pitches and litter pick woodlands to improve play spaces. If the motion passes a full vote of South Lanarkshire Council, it will result in: The…
Councillor Update, December 2022
After my energy efficiency motion was approved at full council in early December, I have continued to support constituents with their issues including lots of issues around housing emergencies and burst pipes with the cold snap before Christmas. Just contact me if I can help you with anything. In December I met with EK Home Carers to discuss their anger that the additional responsibilities they have taken on over the years, especially since Covid, have not been recognised as meriting an increase in the grade for the job. I support their protest and you can find out more about it here. The union will now make an appeal to the…
Councillor Update, November 2022 (and a bit of December)
I have continued to support constituents with their particular issues dealing with mental health, housing, road safety, maintenance and green spaces. Just contact me if I can help you with anything. My ‘Cut fuel bills, cut carbon, kick start the green economy’ motion is approved: I managed to secure the support of other councillors to produce a council energy reduction plan so saving money for vital public services, to ensure new builds are as energy efficient as possible and to use the council’s build programme to create new green, long lasting, local, decent jobs. Check it out here. Help with the cost of living and keeping warm: I know there…
South Lanarkshire Council Votes to Cut Carbon Emissions and Kick Start the Local Green Economy
On December 7th, Cllr Kirsten Robb (Scottish Green Party, East Kilbride East), presented a motion to the full council setting out further steps to cut council fuel consumption, reduce carbon emissions and kick start the local green economy in South Lanarkshire. The final text of the motion can be viewed below. South Lanarkshire Greens wish to extend thanks to Cllr Ross Clark (SNP, Larkhall) for seconding the motion and to Cllr Joe Fagan (Labour, East Kilbride Central North) for his constructive engagement and welcome amendment. The motion “Cut Bills, Cut Carbon, Kick Start the Green Economy” passed, amended, by unanimous consent in the last full council meeting of 2022. Motion:…
Councillor Update, October 2022
Kirsten has continued to support constituents with their particular issues dealing with mental health, housing, policing, maintenance and greenspaces. She attended St Leonard’s Parent Council, St Leonard’s Community Council and Sanderson Parent Teachers Association. She also met with users of adult day centres and their carers and went to briefings on children’s rights and a fairer Scotland. She joined the runners for ‘Running Out Of Time’, the world longest baton relay in East Kilbride and Rutherglen and met children and young people from local schools, to raise awareness of climate change. Finally she will raise the desperate need for more affordable and social housing as part of the local housing…
Councillor Update, September 2022
I have been continuing case and ward work, working with various organisations and charities in and around East Kilbride East, as they tackle the cost of living crisis. I have also helped support many of my constituents with their particular needs such as path improvements, road safety, particularly around schools, homelessness, home adaptations and planning. I have met with local housing officers to discuss, amongst other things, bike storage solutions. I am supporting local community groups and residents as they improve play and recreation facilities at Cornfoot Crescent and Long Calderwood. A start has been made on improvements to the football cage at Morrishall Road and I took part in…