Councillor Update Oct/Nov 2023
As ever, please contact me on Kirsten.robb@southlanarkshire.gov.uk to meet or chat when and where it suits you. Follow me on Facebook and X for regular updates. East Kilbride East action Parking & transport: My inbox is full of complaints about pavement parking in all parts of the ward. Parking on pavements, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs for pedestrians / cycle use will be banned from December 11th as it obstructs pavements and makes getting about harder for everyone who walks or wheels, even pushing people onto dangerous roads. Hot spots: Residents and different organisations have concerns around inappropriate or dangerous parking around Alison Lea. I’m in touch with…
There will be more 20 mph zones coming to Scotland in the near future. The plan is that all 30 mph speed limits will be dropped to 20 mph unless a valid reason is provided as to why they should remain at a speed limit of 30 mph. A report to the Council’s Road Safety Forum on 20 mph Speed limits will be discussed on the 21st November 2023. There has been a backlash in some quarters about the whole idea of 20mph speed limits, because they will make journey times very marginally longer. So why is it that the UK and Scottish Governments are pushing ahead with these schemes?…
It’s Our Place, so let’s make Our Plan
Over the next year, our communities have an amazing opportunity to improve our area for the future by preparing a Local Place Plan choosing projects that local people want to see happen. The council and other agencies must take Local Place Plans into account when they develop land and services. This is our chance to do as other communities across Scotland have done and develop community-led plans that help address poverty, improve local greenspaces, tackle transport issues and more. Our communities can say what’s important to us and improve our place too. You aren’t short of ideas. Over the years, in East Kilbride East, Green Councillor, Kirsten Robb, has been…